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Multiple Choice Questions - SQL Server Indexed Views

Multiple Choice Questions - SQL Server Indexed Views

1. The indexed view must only reference . . . . in the same database, not other views.

A) temp tables
B) base tables
C) env tables
D) in memory tables

2. Once we create an indexed view, every time we modify data in the underlying tables then not only must SQL Server maintain the index entries on those tables, but also the index entries on the view. This can affect write performance.

A) True
B) False

3. The indexed view can contain float columns; however, such columns cannot be included in the . . . . .

A) sorted clustered index key
B) temp index key
C) Nonclustered index key
D) clustered index key

4. The first index on the view must be a unique . . . . .

A) clustered index
B) non clustered index
C) Can be clustered index or non clustered index
D) none of above

5. The indexed view with only two result columns takes much less space than the view that has five result columns.

A) True
B) False

6. Nonclustered indexes on an indexed view can be created only after the . . . . . is created.

A) sorted clustered index
B) non clustered index
C) unique nonclustered index
D) unique clustered index

7. Aggregate functions like . . . . aren't supported in indexed views.

A) Count
B) Min
C) Max
D) All of above

8. Indexed views must be built using the . . . . . clause.


9. The indexed view does not add to the ongoing maintenance overhead of the database.

A) True
B) False

10. The query optimizer may use indexed views to speed up the query execution. The view must have to be referenced in the query for the optimizer to consider that view for a substitution.

A) True
B) False
